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Garden Grove, CA, United States
Computer Geek: Grandpa: Loves to cook: Dart thrower

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dinner 2-5-11

Tonight I was going to cook a recipe that Lynda and I ate when we were first married. It is pork chops with rice and it had orange juice and cream of mushroom soup in it. I used 4 cups of chicken broth with 2 cups of orange juice with 3 cups of rice. 

I set my pressure cooker to brown and after it came up to heat, used some olive oil to brown some (5) boneless pork loin chops after seasoning them with Bert's Standard Seasoning.

I removed the chops after browning them in two batches then dumped in the rice, using a wooden spoon to make sure the rice was coated with the oil and juices from the pork. Dumped in the liquid, gave a good stir, put the lid on the pressure cooker, and set it to high pressure for 10 minutes.

Things were going well. I could tell that the pressure was building as the steam was coming out the handle and then it stopped as the lid locked. After 5 minutes it did it's "OK I am done" beeps and went to the keep warm setting! S.O.B. The first one of these I had did the exact same thing right out of the box. After calling Cuisinart tech support it was determined that something was broken and I should return it. I did just that and the  replacement one was working just excellent until tonight.

I had too much food to transfer it to my stove top pressure cooker so the only thing I could do was to release the pressure, put the pork chops and cream of mushroom soup in, put the lid back on, and set the cooker to brown and hope for the best.

It turned out tasting pretty close to what we had. Lynda finds out later it is chicken and rice soup, 1 cup of OJ, and instant rice. It is finished in the oven.

As far my pressure cooker goes, I am going to wait until tomorrow before I fire off an email to Cusinart to let them know how I feel.

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