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Garden Grove, CA, United States
Computer Geek: Grandpa: Loves to cook: Dart thrower

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So Cal Crawfish Connection

Before darts this past Tuesday, my son took me to his new favorite restaurant, Socal Crawfish Connection, to have some crawfish.

Entering into this place in the strip mall on the corner of Brookhurst and Hazard, I looked around and saw that it was a clean place with big TVs on the wall showing Auction Hunters and tables with disposable plastic tablecloths with a basket of half-sheet paper towels tore from the roll.

We were greeted by our waiter/owner/really nice guy who informed us that crawfish were out of season but they had other great food. A little disappointed but hungry, we sat down and I let Greg do the ordering for us as he was here before and dinner was on his dime!

He talked to the tatted waiter and decided on shrimp and clams in a milder sauce as he had his old man's acid re-flux to contend with. Along with this, our waiter, Mike Tran, described what magic they do to the Dynamite Mussels, so Greg got an order along with some Holy Crab! Poppers to start us off.

The appetizer came failry quickly and they were cream cheese and crab wraps with a little kick in the end. Very tasty dipped in the sweet sauce on the side.

Mike came back a little later and dropped off a foam plate with a small container with a mixture of salt and pepper, a big mug of cut limes, and our bibs. I followed Greg's lead and squeezed some limes into the s&p container to be used as a dipping sauce, but we figured out a better sauce later on.

Mike came back with our "bag of goodness!"

A double plastic bag with a pound of clams and a pound of shrimp, head and shell on. Just dig in with your hands and go for it! The sauce it was cooked in was full of garlic and all sorts of good spices. The clams were not overcooked and the shrimp was cooked perfectly. As the contents went down you were stuck with a bag of sauce with clams out of the shell hiding in that sauce, along with a buried shrimp I found. Next time we are going to add a side of rice to put the sauce on.

Dynamite Mussels 

These arrived after we were just getting into the "Bag". Hot of the oven with a crispy perfectly spiced topping, with the mussel just warm enough and still tender, dang these were da bomb.

The carnage with the half empty basket of paper towels 
When we were done, another worker came by and gave us a Wet One to get cleaned off and we were 2 happy campers.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing
They clean the table by removing the basket and folding up the contents left on the table, presto, mess is gone. I will be back to this place, it is awesome.

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